• Mitrouchev, I. (2024). Normative and behavioural economics: a historical and methodological review
The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 31(4), 533-562   [postprint]
• Lecouteux, G. and I. Mitrouchev (2024). The view from manywhere: normative economics with context-dependent preferences
Economics & Philosophy 40(2), 374-396   [postprint]
• Mitrouchev, I. and V. Buonomo (2024). Identity, ethics and behavioural welfare economics
Economics & Philosophy 40(2), 310-336   [postprint]
• Mitrouchev, I. (2019). Normative economics without the concept of preference
Ĺ’conomia 9(1), 135-147
• Mitrouchev, I. (forthcoming). Philosophical challenges of behavioural public policy. In Giancarlo Ianulardo, John Davis, and Ricardo Crespo (Eds)
The Elgar Handbook of Teaching Philosophy to Economists. Edward Elgar   [preprint]
• 'Inferring welfare from inconsistent choices: how values matter', with Guilhem Lecouteux
(revise and resubmit in Economics & Philosophy)  
• 'The end of experienced utility? A critical but hopeful appraisal'
(revise and resubmit in Journal of Economic Methodology)  
• 'The evolution of normativity in behavioural economics', with Malte Dold
(revise and resubmit in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought)
• 'Measuring hearts and minds: a validated survey module on inequality aversion and altruism', with Thomas Epper
(under review in The Journal of Economic Inequality)
• 'Uncovering rationality', with Thomas Epper
• 'Perceptions of risk in farmers’ use of pesticides', with Paolo Crosetto
• 'Essays on normative behavioural economics: methodological and theoretical issues' (defence: 2020)