IÉSEG School of Management, Lille (2022-2024)

Intermediate econometrics and data analysis (in English)

Topic: classification algorithms and basics of Python for model comparison and prediction
Content: data preparation, supervised machine learning, k-nearest neighbor, decision trees, random forest, neural network

University of Strasbourg (2021-2022)

Games and strategies

Topic: course in game theory
Content: games with perfect and imperfect information, dominance, Nash equilibrium (pure and mixed strategies), subgame perfect equilibrium


Topic: course in market finance
Content: bonds and shares evaluation, evaluation of portfiolio risk

Probabilities and statistics III

Content: probabilised space and random variables, usual laws, convergence and limit theorems, sample and sampling distribution, statistical inference and estimation

Microeconomics III

Topic: intermediate course in microeconomics
Content: consumer theory (with public policy), producer theory, partial and general equilibrium, monopoly, oligopoly

Microeconomics II

Topic: introduction to microeconomics
Content: preferences, marginal rate of substitution, consumer optimum, elasticity

Microeconomics (in English)

Topic: introduction to welfare economics
Textbook: Varian, H. (1987 [2014])
Content: preference, utility, exchange, the two theorems of welfare economics, preference aggregation problems, social welfare function
Slides: Introduction ; Preferences and Utility ; Exchange ; Welfare (feel free to reach out if you'd like the .tex files for your own lectures)

University Jean Monnet, IAE Saint-Etienne (2019-2021)

Introduction to macroeconomics

Textbook: Mankiw, G.N. (1991 [2015]); Blanchard, O. and D. Cohen (2002 [2017])
Content: Keynesian economics, Okun’s law, consumption, saving, investment, the multiplier model

International finance

Topic: the Foreign Exchange Market
Content: exchange rates, currency quotes, bid-ask prices, cross-rates, spot and forward, triangular arbitrage

International trade

Textbook: Krugman, Obsfeld and Melitz (1998 [2010])
Content: comparative advantage, Heckscher-Ohlin model, monopolistic competition


Topic: introduction to the role of banks in financial markets
Content: derivatives, technical analysis, moral hazard and adverse selection, cryptocurrencies

Written communication applied to economics

Textbook: Core Econ
Content: wealth, growth, unemployment, inflation, inequalities, methodology and writing

University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (2017-2019)

Microeconomics: strategic interactions

Topic: course in game theory
Content: expected utility theory, Nash equilibrium (pure and mixed strategies), correlated equilibrium, subgame perfect equilibrium

Microeconomic analysis

Textbook: Guerrien and Parel (1998)
Content: consumer theory, producer theory, general equilibrium

University Paris 5 Descartes (2015-2016)

Growth and economic policy

Topic: course in macroeconomics with a focus on economic policy
Content: Tinbergen model, ISLM model, monetary and fiscal policies

University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2015-2016)


Topic: tutoring of first-year Bachelor students with troubles in mathematics
Content: sets, logic and demonstration, intervals and absolut value, polynomials, equations and inequations, numerical sequences and limits of sequences